Mediation Services

Involved in a dispute? Need mediation services? We can help.

If you are a veteran and would like to use mediation to in order to resolve a conflict in your life, we provide services to veterans free of charge. We have mediators who are veterans who can work with you.

Contact us. Our roster of mediators includes veterans from all walks of life who are available to mediate disputes involving veterans.

To learn more, visit the Quabbin Mediation site. Community-based non-profit Quabbin Mediation organization offers the Veterans Mediation and other training programs, as well as mediation services in all areas of community life. Quabbin Mediation uses mediation as an effective way for people in conflict to address and find their own solutions to disputes.

Hope testimonial


Mediation puts hope back into the problem.

Ray Janke, Belchertown Veterans Service Officer

Hope testimonial


Mediation puts hope back into the problem.

Ray Janke, Belchertown Veterans Service Officer